CategoryAsk Mirella

Can i ever Be Truly happy without a partner?


Vanessa is young and at the beginning of her adult life, but it doesn’t make the pain of heartbreak and the end of a relationship any less painful. Vanessa asked whether I could look at her chart some months after she had ended a relationship with her boyfriend. The circumstances around the breakup were that he no longer wanted to wait for her to return from living abroad and had already been...

I don’t know who I am and I feel like i’m going crazy


Esther’s Chart (not her real name) I first met Esther at a women’s group and unbeknownst to any of us at the time, this was her first huge step forward in reclaiming her life for herself.  Esther is a woman in her late thirties leading the typical life – married, two young daughters, working a 9-5 job that does not inspire her.  The night I met her she shared with the group...


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul's story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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