CategoryNew Moon Horoscope

New Moon in Pisces 13th March 2021 Horoscope


We have a beautiful new moon on the 13th March at 23 degrees of Pisces. Together, the Sun and Moon join Neptune and Venus, and the energy of Pisces is really enhanced here. The new moon is always an opportunity for new intentions and a new beginning, but when it’s in Pisces this new intention is best dreamed up, rather than mentally planned for. Venus is considered the lower octave of...

New Moon in Aquarius 11th February through the houses


How are you feeling with all of this Aquarian energy? With the new moon on the 11th February we will have 6 planets focusing their energy in Aquarius. This new moon is at 23 degrees of Aquarius, and after a little over a month of getting used to the Aquarian energy in our lives, it’s time to focus in and potentially set a new intention. With the big players of Jupiter and Saturn staying in...

New Moon in Capricorn 13th January 2021 Through the Houses


We have a powerful new moon on the 13th January 2021, at 23 degrees of Capricorn. What makes it especially powerful is that it will be conjunct Pluto. Our own natal Pluto represents the evolutionary intentions of our Soul in this lifetime, it shows where we’re coming from and where we’re growing towards. Pluto is making its long transit through Capricorn and has had a powerful...

New Moon in Sagittarius 14th December 2020 through the houses


How have you been coping with eclipse season so far? For me a lot has been surfacing and I’m ready for what this New Moon total Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius will have in store for me! It’s an eclipse because the new moon is happening conjunct its own south node, and so we have a chance for a new beginning in clearing out some past energies, especially some old belief...

New Moon in Scorpio 15th November through the houses


The new moon in Scorpio will be at 23 degrees and making a perfect sextile with Jupiter, who has just begun it’s new phase relationship with Pluto. This sextile is a last sextile, 300 degrees from Jupiter to this new moon. This last sextile means this new moon is exactly the right moment to begin moving forward from the past (though you may feel resistance to do so) and it’s time to...

New Moon in Libra 16th October 2020 through the Houses


The new moon on 16th October 2020 will be at 23 degrees of Libra making a trine with its own North Node in Gemini and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. We have an opportunity for a fresh new beginning in the way we relate to ourselves and what’s going on in our lives. It’s time to take a more balanced perspective, not just looking from our own point of view, but also the point of view of...

New Moon in Virgo 17th september through the houses


We have a fresh new beginning coming our way in 25 degrees of Virgo on September 17th. A new moon in Virgo can signify a fresh start in mind and body, as everything we’ve been integrating and learning we can finally dispel and start fresh. Virgo is very much about sorting the wheat from the chaff, sifting and sorting and using our discernment. We’ve no doubt all been taking a lot in...

New moon Leo 18th 19th August through the houses


As we approach the end of Leo season, we have a new moon in Leo at 26 degrees in a tight conjunction to Mercury, and quincunx Saturn. Last new moon we had the new moon opposite Saturn, and Saturn was helping us ground something. With Saturn quincunx this new moon and Mercury conjunction, we’re likely feeling frustrated (quincunx) with expressing ourselves (Leo) through our communication...

New Moon Cancer 20th July 2020 through the houses


This is our second new moon in Cancer, but instead of being at 0 degrees of Cancer like the last one, this is at the 29th degree of Cancer, fittingly giving us a completely different perspective of Cancer at this time. We also have Saturn opposite this new moon, asking us to do the work to ground something and bring structure to this new beginning. The secret to this new beginning can be read in...

New Moon Eclipse June 21 2020 through the houses


This is a very special new moon in so many ways. Firstly it is occurring on the solstice, making this a stronger influence of change. Secondly it is a lunar eclipse, which means it is conjunct one of the nodes of the moon, and this time the north node. This is a calling to destiny, a calling to a new beginning with regards to the soul themes of the north node in Gemini in your chart. The strength...


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul's story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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