Full Moon 1st October in Aries through the houses


We begin October with a full moon, called the Harvest moon, and we will end the month with another, giving us a Blue moon! But let’s talk about this first one, happening at 9 degrees of Aries and closely conjunct Chiron, our wounded healer.

The energy of a full moon in Aries is all about releasing blockages that impede our instinctual move forward. Aries is the energy of surging forward, inspired by our intuition, and leaping before looking. A full moon here tells us we need to release something standing in the way of inspired action, and keeping us from the essence of who we are know ourselves to be.

This full moon is closely conjunct Chiron, and so this gives us a further clue. We all have Chiron somewhere in our chart, and where it is shows us the energy surrounding a stumbling block we have about a deep inner wound. Healing this wound, which is probably our life’s work, is a large part of the key to our soul’s journey and mission. And Chiron travelling through Aries right now, is showing us all our collective wounding around feeling alone and isolated and also the pain of feeling disconnected from who we truly are. It is time to release this pain, as it is blocking us from moving forwards.

If we now add the Sabian Symbol associated with this full moon, which says “A Teacher Gives New Symbolic Forms To Traditional Images”, we see that we’re invited to see this pain and blockage in a new way, to interpret it differently, and this is how we will move past it.

Check where 9 degrees of Aries lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this full moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st House

You are being strongly called to release the pain you feel around perceiving yourself to be alone. Perhaps you are alone and isolated, but it is an opportunity rather than an obstruction, you need only see it as such.

Maybe you’re feeling pain about not knowing who you are and feeling directionless and disconnected from every instinct that is telling you which way to head. You are not only rudderless, but your motor isn’t running either. Let go of any expectations of yourself and see your lack of direction as an opening to freedom and possibility, the way the brave Aries adventurer sees the world. Look for new horizons, and see you are free for new adventures.

2nd house

You are being called to release the pain you feel around associating your identity and worth too closely with the way you make money. You are stuck in a self-made prison that dictates you must stick to what is making you money, and in doing so the Aries energy of needing to follow your instincts is being obstructed. Let go of holding on so tightly to your financial security and see where inspiration strikes.

It may also be that you are feeling too grounded, too constrained in your life, and it is at odds with your need to have new horizons to explore. See this in a new way and find a way to tap into new avenues of discovery that have you feeling grounded in a way that feels enlivening.

3rd house

You are being called to release the pain you feel around being too caught up in the world of the mind, at the expense of connecting the mind with the intuition. You have been mentally busy, and you probably always are, but you feel the way your mind is running away with you and you’re losing your sense of who you truly are.

It is time to tune in and see how you can use your mind in a way that serves who you truly are and want to be. What information do you really want to take in versus the information you may be gathering incessantly? What are you talking to others about versus what do you really want to be talking about? The busyness is keeping from you tuning into these questions, pushing you further away from your instincts. It’s time to release the busyness and come back to your intuition.

4th house

You have closed yourself inside so much (either literally inside, or in your emotional safe-zone) that your Aries impulse to follow its intuitive inspiration is so stifled that it is causing you pain. In your bubble you are losing the sense of who you are.

It is time to let go of the unnecessary attachments, and to leave the metaphorical nest. It’s time to feel into which emotions are keeping you stuck and to intuitively feel your way through them into better feeling thoughts. Look at your emotions differently, and look at the nest you have created differently. They serve as your foundation to bravely and confidently follow your instincts into new and exciting territory, knowing that at the core you are always safe.

5th house

You have been too focused on not getting enough attention and applause, instead of focusing on what your deepest self wants to create, and this is how you are keeping yourself in a cycle of pain and doubt.

It’s time to think differently about how you are expressing who you truly are, and instead of focusing on how you are received, you want to tune into how it makes you feel. Look at what you express, look at what you create, and if it feels like the most authentic version of you, then you are following your instincts and moving towards your highest self. If instead you are feeling deflated because nobody liked your post, or applauded for you, or followed you, or understood you, then you are severing your connection from yourself. It’s time to release this cycle.

6th house

You are being called to release the pain you feel about living a life of routines and obligations that do not truly reflect who you are and who you want to be. You have not felt good enough to design your lifestyle how you want it to be, and the criticism has been accumulating from inside yourself and reflected outside yourself, and the guilt around forging your own path has been growing.

It’s time to think differently about your habits and routines, and realise that the only way to truly be of any use to other people is if you are firstly serving yourself. So follow your instincts on what you truly want to do with your morning routine, or with your work-life balance, or how you want to eat or how you want to exercise, and be guided by your true inner intuition.

7th house

You have been losing yourself in your most significant relationships, perhaps your closest romantic relationship, and the codependency you are experiencing is causing you pain and grief.

It’s time to look at your relationship differently, and use your instinct to guide you forward on the right path. It doesn’t mean you have to let go of your relationship, though this might be one possibility. Instead it might mean you need to realign the balance between bravely being who you are in your relationship, and allowing the other person to be who they are, without losing your whole identity by identifying yourself completely with this relationship. It’s time to release this unhealthy balance.

8th house

You have been giving your power away to others instead of following your own inner calling. It may appear as though people around you are betraying you or that there are battles of will left and right, but really it is you who is allowing this to go on, and you are losing who you are in the process.

It’s time to release this downward spiral and return to trusting your instincts. If you can look at everything that is happening before your eyes as a necessary purging, then you can see the power that is being transformed within yourself. Release those things you no longer need to be bonded with and allow the new energy of exploration to merge with this transformation.

9th house

You haven’t been trusting your intuition and instinct surrounding what is true and what isn’t, and you’ve been losing yourself in the process. Other people’s beliefs and versions of the truth have been crowding in and this is why you feel such dis-ease.

It’s time to look at your thoughts and beliefs differently, and to remember you choose what you believe. It is not so much as deciding what is objectively true, it matters more that you decide what is true for you. And this is the essence of Aries, and the essence of knowing who you are. Release those beliefs that do not reflect who you are and who you want to be, and come back to your own truth.

10th house

In an attempt to control your outer world (no doubt so that you can feel better in your inner world), or to feel a false sense of stability in the world as it is now, you have lost your zest for life and your fighting spirit. You are either following the rules imposed in a way that stifles your spirit, or trying to impose rules on others so that they must lose their individuality as you feel you have had to.

It’s time to see things the other way around. What you see out there in the world, is a reflection of what is going on inside of you. Let go of the need to control and focus on forging your own individual path, a path that is informed by your instinct about who you are and where you’re going. You don’t need others to conform so that you can go your own way.

11th house

You have been feeling overly detached from your friends, acquaintances and societal connections and this is causing you the pain of questioning who you are without them.

It’s time to look at things differently and see that who you are exists independently of your association with others, and it is through who you are that your connections are made stronger. Release the need to be constantly connected, and focus in on what your inner self is calling for. Know who you are and find ways to share this with others.

12th house

You have been feeling particularly unmoored from life, without a firm grasp on reality and starting to feel a sense of meaninglessness sinking in. Without returning to who you are and who you want to be, the further out to sea you will drift.

It’s time to see things differently and to follow your instincts to their most mystical, spiritual and psychic forms. You will regain your meaningfulness through the spiritual realms, and those that light you up with excitement. It is through your connection with meaning that you will feel more grounded to your mission and service out here in our 3D world. Release the feeling of being lost, because your greatest sense of connection is right there, and you connect with it by following your instinct and potential for magic.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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