Full Moon 30th November 2020 in Gemini through the houses


On the last day of November this year we have a full moon in 8 degrees of Gemini, very close to the North Node of the moon in Gemini, making this not only a full moon, but also a lunar eclipse. This will be followed by an even stronger solar eclipse on the new moon on the 14th December, and so we have some strong energies coming in now.

The North Node transiting Gemini is asking us to put our intentions towards gathering facts and using our own minds to determine what’s really going on. With the South Node in Sagittarius, we are wanting to release limiting beliefs, inherited beliefs and old viewpoints that are hampering our personal evolution.

With the full moon happening near the North Node we need to release something about the way we are using our minds to gather and piece together information, or even about the story we are telling ourselves about how things are.

The Sabian Symbol for the Full Moon is all about Conquest – we are being reminded that we first need to conquer our minds before we will be able to release our beliefs.

The Sabian Symbol for the North Node on the day is about the need to Assimilate especially to avoid wasting anything.

Putting it all together, we need to release the chatter and background noise so that we can conquer our own minds in readiness to be able to truly see what’s going on before we can weave together our understanding.

Check where 8 degrees of Gemini lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this full moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

It’s time to release all the opinions you let crowd in around you about who you are and what you should be doing with your life. You need to conquer your own thoughts about who you are and who you want to be, and this likely involves thinking outside the box a little and gathering information about yourself in ways you aren’t used to doing. Fight to free your mind so that you can free yourself, and then move towards assimilating the new you who is emerging.

2nd house

It’s time to release the background noise that you allow to define your self-worth. It’s time to conquer your own thoughts about what you value and what you value about yourself, and to independently gather resources and tools that allow you to investigate what’s important to you. If you can master your own thoughts about your self-worth then you can move towards consolidating a life that reflects your values and you will have a stronger and more beautifully woven self-esteem.

3rd house

It’s time to release the tendency to hoard information that might one day be useful and to get a grip on what you really want to learn and what you really want to be thinking about. Narrowing down what is truly important will allow you to create a focus on what you need to learn more about and you can then begin piecing together a way of thinking that can be more successfully funneled into the important things you want to say.

4th house

It’s time to release the scattered and unfocussed energy surrounding what you’re truly feeling. You are finding it difficult to integrate what your emotions are trying to tell you and it’s time to conquer the power of your mind to put a laser focus on what your emotions are telling you about the status of your wellbeing. If you can do this, then you can move towards a more wholistic approach to your emotional wellbeing and the ability to communicate what you’re feeling.

5th house

It’s time to release the inconsistent ways in which you express yourself and seek attention and recognition. Focus on conquering your focus on your creative work and put all your mental energy into what you can uniquely create. As you do this, you can then begin to feel more whole and more seen by yourself first, and then ultimately as what you create is being communicated with others, you will have returned to you the genuine recognition you desire.

6th house

It’s time to release the tendency to busy yourself with solving problems and collecting information about how to solve a problem. These are all ways in which you try to avoid the incessant inner critic always chattering at you. It’s time to conquer this inner critic and begin to put your mental energy into work and habits that are meaningful to you. If you can do these things, then you will piece together a life and way of living that resonates with you and the strong power of your mind will finally have an outlet.

7th house

It’s time to release the tendency to be constantly talking and moving in relationships. This keeps you from listening, and in turn this blocks you from true intimacy. It’s time to conquer your modes of communication with other people and to learn to listen and and take an interest in them. As you do so, you will begin to assimilate parts of them into you, and you into them, growing a bond and intimacy that you desire but has been out of reach.

8th house

It’s time to release the tendency to use your sharp mind as a weapon or protection shield that doesn’t allow others in. Your sharp tongue can sometimes be manipulative as you try to protect your vulnerable side. It’s time to conquer the information gathering and speaking before you really know what’s going on and learn to speak more softly, and with more trust that you won’t be hurt. As you do so, you will begin to weave together a true bond with others, and a bond that allows you to speak about and learn things that take you to a deeper level.

9th house

It’s time to release the tendency to represent yourself falsely and to even tell lies. Sometimes you do it intentionally, and other times it is a habit you use to present a front while in the background you are trying to figure out who you are and what you believe in. It’s time to sharpen your focus on what is actually true for you and want you want to believe in. Once you conquer the tendency to keep your options too open, you will be able to put your mental energy towards tuning into your intuition and weaving together your own personal truth.

10th house

It’s time to release the tendency to busy yourself and distract yourself to the extent that you never got in with actually working towards the accomplishments that are important to you. Eventually you have to act and you can overkill the amount of research you do before launching into career and other goals. If you can conquer your focus onto a singular goal, you will be able to use your strong mind to make progress in leaps and bounds and all the information you have at hand will be perfectly woven into the fabric of a beautiful achievement.

11th house

It’s time to release the tendency to juggle many friendships and associations, none of which have much depth. You do it because you think you need a lot of variety, but really you desire a tribe of people that you can learn with and really talk to, and this means putting in time and effort, as well as allowing an intimacy to develop. If you can conquer your focus, you can invest in a few more important associations. This will then allow you to gather together not only more meaningful relationships, but a common point of growth or direction for contribution.

12th house

It’s time to release the tendency to distract yourself with fairytales and all manner of daydreams and illusions that keep you from making a deeper connection with reality. If you can conquer your focus, then you can put your energy into finding a way to connect the here and now with a higher meaning and learning all you need to know to make this happen. This will allow you to weave together a way of living that allows your fantasies to become more of a reality because you’ve connected the magic of the universe with your life here on Earth.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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