Full Moon Aquarius 3rd August 2020 through the houses


Every full moon can feel special depending on where it lies in your chart, and every full moon signals a time to release something, or that something is reaching a culmination that needs to be acknowledged. Today we have a full moon in Aquarius, between 11 and 12 degrees, square Uranus. Since Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, this culmination and release that we’re experiencing is unique, revolutionary, and may be surprising and even shocking.

The Sabian symbol for this full moon states “On a vast staircase stand people of different types graduated upwards“. This points to the various levels of consciousness and evolution that we are experiencing, in concert with each other, but always evolving upwards and forwards. This full moon is releasing something that allows us to climb the next step, and Uranus in Taurus is gently (or not so gently!) sending a shock to our system to nudge us forward with the culmination and release.

Check where 11-12 degrees of Aquarius lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

The full moon is asking you to release something about who you thought you are, or who you believe yourself to be, so that you may take the next step in your evolution towards your highest self. You are feeling that who you are is being challenged, and that parts of who you are beginning to fall away as you see it is time to release behaviours and a self-image that no longer serves.

Uranus in your house of home and emotional security is shaking the ground beneath your feet, making you feel unstable and emotionally insecure. It may even feel like an acute crisis. But it is not time to change the outside world, but rather to step forward into a more stable emotional security and the higher vision of who you are and want to be.

2nd house

The full moon is asking you to release something that you are holding onto because you think it keeps you safe, but really it just holds you back from evolving forwards. Are you holding onto something material, or are you stuck in some sort of stubborn behaviour that you think protects you, but really causes you much more aggravation? Those things you label as safe are being shaken now.

With Uranus in Taurus, and likely in your fifth house of creative self expression, romance, children and play, this feeling of your safety being shaken feels stronger to you, and perhaps your are feeling unsafe to express yourself, or that your joy for life is falling from your grasp. You are not losing your ability for joy, and life is not becoming a drudgery, but you are being asked to level up in what is truly safe, what is truly fun and what true joy awaits you as you follow the path of your evolution.

3rd house

The full moon is asking you to release something about the way you connect with others in your modes of communication. Something about the way you collect information and then communicate with others is holding you back from true connection and this in turn is holding you back from your evolution forwards into your highest self.

With Uranus in your 6th house of work, health and habits, and the way in which you analyse yourself and others, you may be feeling particularly shaken with regards to feeling criticised and your communication in turn might be more aggressive than you intend. Turn inwards and confront your own self-critical voice, and reassure it that you have everything under control. Then in this safety, communicate with others with reassurance and in the pursuit of true connection, and this will take you up the next evolutionary step.

4th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that is keeping your separate from your feeling of being included in your family (whoever this may be) and feeling connected to your own emotional well being. In some way you are feeling that you need to isolate to be able to hold on to your emotional health.

With Uranus in your 7th house of significant relationships and ways of connecting with others, it is likely that your sense of safety in your significant relationship is feeling threatened and shaken, but not necessarily because it’s time to end it. Instead, perhaps what is being shaken is your way of relating, and you are being asked to connect, show up, and be your unique self in your relationship, rather than detaching further. See your significant other as your mirror and change from within, and you will see what you want and need reflected back at you.

5th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that is keeping you from your true uniqueness and confident self expression. Perhaps you defend your uniqueness more than you immerse yourself in it. Or perhaps you detach from the world so that you do not have to own your own talents and offer yourself to the world, scared of the rejection that could occur.

With Uranus in your 8th house of intimacy and power, you may be feeling shaken by betrayals and unsafe when you become deep and intimate with others. You are feeling unsafe to expose yourself, but you cannot share your true uniqueness with the world unless you expose yourself and practice vulnerability. Your true power can never be stolen from you and you are never truly unsafe in the universe, so take the next step in opening yourself and expressing your deepest parts and move forward with your evolution.

6th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached from your own analysis of self and your power of discernment. Rather than being so detached and analytical about situations as though they are not really happening to you, let your superior analytical skills and discernment, as well as your unique way of working, inform the changes you need to make in your everyday life and routines to level up your evolution.

With Uranus in your 9th house of belief and truth, you may feel that your beliefs are under constant threat, and you may feel inclined to hold on more strongly to your beliefs than ever before. But these beliefs don’t truly keep you safe, only your inner truth is a true foundation of safety for you. Hold less loosely to whatever you’re being dogmatic about, using your power of discernment and analysis, and focus on how you need to change your own small world of personal concerns and actions to take you forward.

7th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps your detached from truly connecting in your significant relationships. You are tending to analyse your relationship rather than being a part of it, as though you are the observer and you make your decisions accordingly.

With Uranus in your 10th house of career and how you appear and contribute to the outside world, you are feeling shaken in your reputation, and feeling unsafe out in the world. But is it because you do not even feel safe to connect in your closest relationships? How can you feel safe out in the world, if you do not allow your vulnerability to come forth with your significant other? Connect in your one-to-one relationships without detaching and take the next step towards opening up and revealing who you are.

8th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached from your own power and from your own transformation. You are being too mental about your own growth, rather than diving and merging into it, afraid of losing yourself in the process.

With Uranus in your 11th house of friendships, groups and unique contribution, you are feeling unsafe around other people, but this is because you are not deeply connected to who you are and who you are becoming. Uranus is sending you shock waves when you are around other people, but not to hurt you, but to remind you to remain centred and strongly bonded with your deepest self so that no matter what others do, it doesn’t shake your foundation.

9th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached from your deepest truth and the beliefs that serve you. It is time to release a belief, and reassess what you uniquely believe in a way that contributes towards the next phase in your evolution.

With Uranus in your 12th house of spirituality, escapism and deepest connection to the universe, you are feeling uneasy about your grasp on the world and how safe you are within it. Part of you is on the run, or in hiding from life, but it is not time to detach from the world. Find your own way of being connected to the universe and your own spirituality so that you can shed beliefs that are not your own, and be firm in your own truth.

10th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached from your involvement in the world, and keeps you detached from your own integrity and reputation. You may be feeling that your contributions are not recognised, or that you are misunderstood when you try to reach out.

Uranus in your 1st house of identity and who you are, is shaking the core of how you see yourself, yet you are holding onto this image of yourself all the more tightly. Who are you and who do you want to be, and how do you really keep yourself safe in this world? When you know who you are, you feel confident to offer it out into the world, and you no longer worry about your reputation. Let loose some of the things that are not truly you, and step forward into the next phase.

11th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached when you involve yourself with others in a group dynamic or cause. Perhaps you keep you separate from causes, or want little to do with other people at this time. But this is holding you back from your next evolutionary step.

With Uranus in your 2nd house of resources, pleasure and safety, you may be feeling rocked around by your finances, focusing all your energy on keeping the sails tight, and making sure you have enough. But Uranus is shaking some of your flagstones of safety to help you find what really sustains you and what’s really important in terms of resources. And probably you realise the most important thing is other people, and how you can commune and work together to achieve things that are personally important to you and them. Come back to what is really important to move onto the next phase of your development.

12th house

The full moon is asking you to release something that keeps you detached from your own spirituality and sense of connection with the universe and existence that goes beyond your own. You may be feeling you need to detach and run away right now, to avoid really experiencing life, when instead you need to find your unique way to be involved with it.

With Uranus in your 3rd house of communication and information gathering, you may be receiving upsetting and unsettling news, comments, feedback and generally bad-feeling communication. This isn’t to encourage you to run away or to escape, but to help you reflect on what you need to remain connected to Source, and what you need to learn and focus your attention on to ensure this connection is strong and uniquely your own. You have the chance for a spiritual upgrade, so find what you need to learn and focus on to go forward.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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