FUll Moon Eclipse Sagittarius June 5 2020 through the houses


At the blooming of a full moon, a light shines more brightly on a particular area of our life, revealing something to us that we couldn’t see before. What is revealed is often something that we need to consider releasing.

Being a Full Moon eclipse, the energy is stronger and more potent, as it is closer to its own north and south node.

Whether you will witness an actual event happening in your life on the days surrounding the full moon, or whether you will notice a shift in your feelings and emotional body, depends on your natal astrological chart. If this full moon at 15 Sagittarius aspects something closely in your natal chart, you may very well experience an event or a strong surge of emotion that reflects the area in your life where this full moon is shining.

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A full moon in Sagittarius is all about revealing and analysing your beliefs – beliefs, philosophies and cultural practices that no longer serve us and are ready to be released. This full moon also makes a square aspect to Mars. Thus we feel at war with something, or a frustration bubbling to the service, with an urgency to resolve the situation. But this square aspect is here to help us, by heightening our feelings and understanding what is holding us back as it relates to our beliefs. The more we can tune into ourselves, the more we can grow and transform during this full moon.

Look at your natal chart and locate the house in which you have 15 degrees of Sagittarius and 15 degrees of Pisces, and read on to tune into the area of your life where you will likely notice the influence most.

1st House

The full moon in your first house is all about releasing limiting beliefs about yourself and who you perceive yourself to be. It is a time to review and possibly reinvent yourself.

With Mars in your fourth house, you may find yourself in disagreements and fiery conversations with people in your family, your mother or other women in your life. You may feel as though these people are constraining or suffocating your expression of who you truly are.

By truly knowing yourself and being firm in your belief about yourself and who you want to be, the Mars energy in your family will be unable to ignite, because nothing anyone can say will rock your belief.

2nd house

The full moon in your second house may bring a need to release beliefs around money and the way you are making money. Perhaps you will need to release beliefs that are keeping you stuck and too entrenched in your comfort zone.

With Mars in your fifth house, you may be feeling constrained and suffocated, without joy and play or an outlet for your self expression. You are at war with what sustains you and what ignites you creatively.

Consider releasing false beliefs about what you truly need to be secure, financially and otherwise, and allowing yourself to connect with your deeper joy.

3rd house

The full moon in your third house brings a need to analyse and release limiting beliefs around everything to do with facts, learning and communication.

With Mars in your sixth house, you may be in a communication war with colleagues, or at war with letting go of your way of doing things in work and in your daily life. Perhaps you are at war with your health and your are limited by your beliefs on the correct way to solve health issues.

Release limiting ways of collecting and integrating information, and the way you communicate with others, so that you can truly connect with your work and the peacefulness of your daily life.

4th house

The full moon in your fourth house is asking you to release limiting beliefs about your home and family, about your tribe, seeing the truth about what truly emotionally sustains you.

With Mars in your seventh house, you may be at war with a significant other, and you are being called to forgive yourself and them. The disconnect from your significant other could be sexual in nature, but what is underlying this is a limiting belief about what you truly need emotionally.

By releasing limiting beliefs around what your family, tribe or significant other need to do for you to be truly happy, you can be more connected and inspired in your intimate relationships.

5th house

The full moon in your fifth house is asking you to release false beliefs about what truly brings you joy and makes you feel special. It is time to see the truth about your own joy and creative potential.

With Mars in your eighth house, you are experiencing difficulty merging with your own depth and merging with the deeply meaningful.

Releasing beliefs and practices that you thought were fun, but really don’t bring you lasting joy, will allow you to find your passion and reach a deeper sense of meaningfulness. In a similar way, you may need to release beliefs about what truly constitutes romance in your life so that you can truly experience deeper intimacy.

6th house

The full moon in your sixth house is urging you to examine and release beliefs around areas in your life involving work, health, habits and service. You may realise a truth about something at work, or your health.

With Mars in your ninth house, you are experiencing difficulty letting go of your beliefs or feeling frustrated with creating a meaningful existence. Deepest meaningfulness is at war with the mundane.

Review and release beliefs that are holding you trapped in your work, that are holding you to feeling of guilt about what you should be doing, so that you can connect with more meaningful practices.

7th house

The full moon in your seventh house is asking you to review your beliefs about relationships and commitment. Perhaps something will be brought to light about a signficant relationship or contract.

With Mars in your tenth house, you feel frustrated and suffocated in your career, or suffocated and at war with a male in your life, especially if they are perceived as having authority over you. Similarly, it may be that you are feeling frustrated and disconnected with who you are out in the world.

Taking a different viewpoint on your significant relationship will allow for a more meaningful connection to your life out in the world, as you take the focus away from any perceived limits.

8th house

The full moon in your eighth house is asking you to release beliefs about sex and intimacy. Deeper still you are being asked to release beliefs about what it really takes to create deep change and what it takes to merge more significantly with self and others.

With Mars in your eleventh house, you are feeling frustration and disconnection from your friendship or community groups, or feeling outside from those you thought you belonged to, perhaps experiencing conflict with these groups.

Release beliefs that you lose yourself when you create intimacy with others and this will allow you to connect more meaningfully with those groups and concerns that are more important to you.

9th house

The full moon in your ninth house is asking you to review your beliefs and see the truth about the beliefs you hold. Perhaps inherited beliefs from you culture and cultural practices will be brought to light in way you realise they are holding you back.

With Mars in your twelfth house, you may be feeling frustrated and trapped by your spiritual or religious beliefs and practices. Perhaps there is conflict within religious groups you belong to.

Releasing beliefs that are not your own will allow for a more harmonious spiritual connection and experience.

10th house

The full moon in your tenth house is asking you to release beliefs about who you are and who you want to be in the world. It is time to see the truth about your career or someone or something that you believe holds authority over you.

With Mars in your first house, you are feeling disconnected from your self and your identity and your ability to be who you are is frustrated.

Releasing beliefs about who you think you should be in the world, will allow for a deeper connection with the deepest essence of who you are.

11th house

The full moon in your eleventh house is asking you to see the true about a friendship group or a community group. It is a time of releasing beliefs about what it means to be unique or what your unique contribution can truly be. It’s time to analyse the meaningfulness of your connections.

With Mars in your second house, you are having difficulty connecting with your values, or perhaps you are fighting the meaningless of the way you are making money.

Realising the meaninglessness of your connections will allow you to connect with your true values. Similarly, releasing beliefs around what your true contribution is will allow you to find a connection with the way you make money.

12th house

The full moon in your twelfth house is asking you to see the truth about what it means to be spiritual or part of all that is. You may realise the truth about spiritual beliefs you hold or may be called to analyse the meaningfulness of your life and the way you have been feeling disconnected from the life you’re living.

With Mars in your third house, you are feeling disconnected from what you truly wish to learn, or what you truly wish to communicate. You feel frustrated and suffocated by the information you are being asked to collect and integrate, and it offers no novelty and engagement for you.

Connecting with the deepest spiritual meaningfulness of your life will allow a drive forward in connecting and communicating the thoughts and information that most inspire you.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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