New Moon Eclipse June 21 2020 through the houses


This is a very special new moon in so many ways. Firstly it is occurring on the solstice, making this a stronger influence of change. Secondly it is a lunar eclipse, which means it is conjunct one of the nodes of the moon, and this time the north node. This is a calling to destiny, a calling to a new beginning with regards to the soul themes of the north node in Gemini in your chart. The strength of this new moon can lead your life in a totally new direction.

This new moon occurs at 0 degrees of Cancer. We are being called to align with our emotion first, before aligning with the mental energy of Gemini. Our emotions guide us and help us tune into our intuition. Ignoring our emotions in favour of purely mental and rational analysis will lead us in directions we don’t want to go. So as we start tuning into the 18 month path of embracing the north node in Gemini and releasing the south node in Sagittarius, we must first begin by tuning into our emotions.

The Sabian symbol for 0 degrees Cancer symbolises a reorientation, and a change of allegiance. A strong reminder to change your allegiance from your mind, to your emotional body and guidance system.

Check where 0 degrees of Cancer lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which your identity and image emotionally sustains you. This is the time for a new beginning for envisioning the self and how your perceptions of yourself brings you emotional health. Don’t be guided by who you think you should be from a mental perspective, but tune into who you want to be by listening to your intuition and your feelings. This is a time to embrace the feminine aspects of your identity, starting with your intuition.

2nd house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which you provide yourself with what you need and the way in which you make money. Be sure to check in with whether you feel these things emotionally sustain you, or whether they bring pain to your emotional body. This is a new beginning to engage in more feminine pleasures and to use your feelings and intuition to navigate what nourishes you, and what makes you feel safe and taken care of.

3rd house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in your communication and learning emotionally sustains you. It’s time for a new beginning in the way you gather information, the way you learn or in the way you communicate. Be guided by your feminine intuition towards what you want to learn and navigate the way you communicate with more empathy and more heart. Allow yourself to use your mental energy more softly, and to let your emotions go first in guiding you towards what you need to learn right now.

4th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which your home and family life emotionally sustains you. It is time for a new beginning in making your home your physical and emotional sanctuary. Engage the nurturing side of your feminine energy to create a nest or find way to re-engage with your emotions and intuition at this time. Instead of deciding mentally whether your closest family connections need to be held onto, decide with your emotions who your true family is and where home really is for you.

5th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which you have fun and the way you express yourself creatively. Let your emotions guide you towards your greatest joy, rather than mentally rationalising what you should find fun. Let your emotions inform you of which creative expression you most need now, rather than going with a more rational approach. It is time for a new beginning, of perhaps trying a new creative outlet or engaging with more traditionally feminine arts or feminine forms of self expression.

6th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate your work, habits, routines and health. Let your emotions guide you towards what work really nourishes you, which habits and routines really serve your highest good, and what you really need to improve your health. It’s time to start something new in at least one of these areas, and you can use your intuition to guide you towards what you need to begin now. In particular, if you feel called to try something that engages the feminine energy of your body, this is something to explore further.

7th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate your most intimate relationships and you are to use your emotions and intuition to tune into what needs to change now. Tune deeply into your feelings about how your relationship makes you feel, and what you need to have a closer connection. Engage with your feminine around receiving, listening and being present in love, coming from the heart rather than the mind.

8th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which you access your deeper self, and the way in which you engage deeply with others. It is time to transform in some way, and you will be guided by your intuition on which way to go. Tune into your emotional body to understand your own psychology better, or the psychology of your intimates, and move away from such a strong mental analysis. It’s time to feel your way through intimacy and the deeper levels of the human psyche, not to mentally psychoanalyse.

9th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate your beliefs at this time. Tune into your emotions and your intuition around which beliefs serve you and which are merely habits of thinking that do not make you feel good. Exploring the feminine, and perhaps experimenting with feminine cultural practices may delight you right now. It’s time to intuit the truth, rather than rationalise what is true for you.

10th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which you represent yourself out in the world, and which representation makes you feel good. Perhaps it is time to unleash the goddess within, or to allow your emotions to be part of what others see. In your career, it may be time for a new beginning that allows for a stronger emotional connection to what you do, rather than a merely rational approach. Or perhaps it is time to change your career into a more traditionally feminine field that allows you to use your nurturing side.

11th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in you engage in group causes and the way in which you operate within your friendship groups. Allow your intuition and feelings to guide you in deciding which causes you truly want to be part of, and which causes are closest to your heart. Also allow your feelings to guide you with regards to which friends emotionally sustain you the most, and which are a drain on your energy. Tune into what truly makes you unique, and where you truly want to contribute your uniqueness, and base your new direction on how it makes you feel.

12th house

You are being called to reorient and recalibrate the way in which you engage with the spiritual realms of life and what makes you feel most connected to this earth plane and also the spiritual plane. Use you feelings and intuition to guide you towards a spiritual practice that perhaps engages a more feminine energy within you. Connect to the universal energy with the heart rather than the mind. Free yourself from your self-imposed prisons by engaging with practices that make you feel good.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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