There’s a lot going on in Gemini right now! The North Node has entered Gemini just over a week ago, Venus is retrograde in Gemini right now, and Mercury conjuncts Venus in Gemini tomorrow on the new moon. So now more than ever we want to reflect on Gemini energies.
A new moon is a time to start something, to have a new intention, to plant a seed. And on this new moon, at 2 Gemini, Saturn is making a supportive trine in Aquarius, indicating a lot of mental energy is significant in whatever we plant this new moon. Saturn is retrograde, asking you to go back and reflect on issues surrounding structure, boundaries and firming up the foundations of your life.
Whether you will witness a strong call to action on this new moon, depends on your natal astrological chart. If this full moon at 2 Gemini aspects something closely in your natal chart, you may very well experience something more strongly than a mere subtle energy shift.
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Look at your natal chart and locate the house in which you have 2 degrees of Gemini and 2 degrees of Aquarius and read on to tune into the area of your life where you will likely notice the influence most. For the Saturn influence, some of you may need to read the horoscope for the house before your Gemini house, depending on how you’re natal chart is divided. I can help you locate where to read if you’re unsure!
1st House
On this new moon you seek to integrate various aspects of yourself, your personality and how you present yourself to the outside world, and a new direction around this is something to tune into. You may feel compelled to communicate who you are in a different way, needing to use some of this mental energy floating around.
Saturn is likely in your 9th house during this new moon, and is calling you to reflect on your beliefs about your uniqueness and who you truly are. What aspects of who you are are firm and unwavering, and what parts can you bring to the fore to convey your unique and perhaps rebellious nature?
2nd House
You may decide to plant seeds that integrate new ways and means of making money. It’s a time to learn about new income streams and communicate your needs to others, especially your communication needs.
Saturn in your 10th house is asking you to reflect on your unique way of being in the world, your unique contribution and how you want your uniqueness to be witnessed. Integrate these reflections with a way you can earn a new income stream or how you can meet your own needs.
3rd house
This is a time to integrate what you are learning and to find ways to communicate and engage mentally and socially in your own learning path.
Saturn in your 11th house asks you to reflect on your unique contributions to friends, group associations and communities you belong to. It may be a time to restructure these groups so that you can better integrate what you’re learning with those you associate with.
4th house
You have work to do on merging and integrating your thoughts and feelings. In doing this, you can communicate your emotional life more effectively, especially with your family. Perhaps you will feel called to learn something about your family, their point of view, or the way you wish to create a sense of home.
Saturn in your 12th house is calling you to reflect on the foundations of your spirituality, ensuring that it contributes in a unique way to your emotional well-being. It might be a time to research new spiritual practices, or new forms of music, that can assist you in finding the blend between brain and heart.
5th house
Seek to learn about your own creativity and new avenues through which you can express yourself. Perhaps creative writing, or a creativity through communication is calling to you now. Investigate and integrate things that bring you joy and play.
Saturn in your 1st house is asking you to reflect on your unique identity and your unique expression of self. If you can integrate the way you have established your unique self with your mode of creative expression, you will be in sync with this energy.
6th house
It’s time to integrate some more work/life balance and learn a new routine or experiment with a new habit to improve your health. Talking about your work and what you truly want is being called for now.
Saturn in your 2nd house is is asking you to restructure the way you nurture yourself and rethink the ways you make money and how all of this integrates with the work/life balance you truly need.
7th house
The new moon is the time to initiate a more balanced approach to the way you communicate with others, especially in your intimate relationships. Integrate and consolidate the way you your significant other share and bond.
Saturn in your 3rd house is calling you to revisit and restructure your unique mode of communication so that you may establish a better foundation for your relationships.
8th house
Communicate your deepest thoughts and learn to communicate more intimately. It’s time to learn and investigate some of the shadow aspects of yourself and to integrate even the darkest parts into the whole, even if they do not seem to coherently fit together. Engaging in deep discussions can help facilitate this at this time.
Saturn in your 4th house is asking you to reflect on your unique emotional world and the way that this can world can be the key to opening the channels of deep conversation.
9th house
This is the time to travel with your mind. Learn a language or investigate a different culture. Be opening to discovering a different point of view when you talk with others. Integrate some of your disparate beliefs and allow room for the conflicting viewpoints in your life. You may feel compelled to talk with foreigners or those who have lived a different experience from you.
Saturn in your 5th house is asking you to reflect on your unique creativity and your unique mode of play, to bring this together in a joyful way to what you are learning.
10th house
It’s a time to integrate you career with you want to be in the world. Learn something to contribute towards your career goals, or find an opportunity to teach as an avenue in your career. Speak up for yourself and communicate to be acknowledged and seen in your expression of self out in the world.
Saturn in your 6th house is asking you to reflect on your unique habits, especially at work, and how you can bring these to serve your career goals and to communicate your unique contribution.
11th house
It’s time to be more chatty and social with your friends and within your community and interest groups. Learn something new by joining a new group, and integrate your friendships with what you are learning.
Saturn in your 7th house is asking you to reflect on your unique way of relating one-on-one and the way you build friendships. Bring this to your communication with the groups you belong to.
12th house
It’s time to investigate your spirituality and spiritual practices, perhaps learning something new that allows you to feel connected. Discuss the spiritual aspects of life, and integrate the various spiritual ideas you are interested in, keeping the aspects that call to you.
Saturn in your 8th house is calling you to firm up your unique ability to see the depths of life and the depths of people, and integrate this with a new spiritual exploration.