New Moon in Capricorn 13th January 2021 Through the Houses


We have a powerful new moon on the 13th January 2021, at 23 degrees of Capricorn. What makes it especially powerful is that it will be conjunct Pluto.

Our own natal Pluto represents the evolutionary intentions of our Soul in this lifetime, it shows where we’re coming from and where we’re growing towards. Pluto is making its long transit through Capricorn and has had a powerful influence on the events of 2020, all of which have been asking us to transform the way we function or operate both within ourselves and out in the world.

This new moon is giving us a powerful reboot and asking us to consider transforming the way we operate to signal a new phase in our own evolution and soul growth.

The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is “A woman entering a convent”. It speaks to us of the commitment and discipline we need to make in order to transcend ourselves and our current life. If you think about a woman entering a convent, this is a dedicated first step to the discipline she will experience in order to commune with the higher power of the universe. Making a disciplined commitment (not that I suggest you join a convent!) to transcend your life now so that you might align with the evolutionary intention of your soul is just as significant.

Check where 23 degrees of Capricorn lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle (see if you have your ascendant, a planet or midheaven at 23 degrees in a sign) in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

In 2020 you were asked to tear down those ways of being that didn’t align with who you truly are and want to be. How much did you resist? To what extent are you starting with a clean slate? What did you build in its place?

On this new moon, you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intentions for who you will be in this lifetime. By rewiring the way your instincts function and choosing to do the work necessary to level-up into your adult identity, you can harness the power of this new moon transformation.

2nd house

In 2020 you were asked to reexamine the foundations of your values and how the way you spend your resources and gather resources resonates with your inner values and sense of self worth. Whatever fell away, was it ultimately for your own good? What are you building in this area of your life instead?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intentions for how you outwardly reflect what you value inside of yourself. This powerful new moon offers you the opportunity to transform your whole approach to the way you make money, if only you will commit to the discipline necessary to transcend the old ways that didn’t serve you.

3rd house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the integrity of your communication and education and to see whether it was based on what you really need to say and learn or whether it was tied to what someone told you was the right thing to do. How did the way you communicate change?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention for you to be the master and authority over your own mind and the way you use it. If you can commit to speaking with integrity and having the discipline to direct your own learning then this powerful new moon offers you the opportunity to transform the way your mind can access its power in the world.

4th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the health of your emotional foundations and whether your emotions indicated a healthy emotional intelligence or were like a concrete cancer. How was your year emotionally? Did you suppress your emotions too far? Did you let them destroy things around you? Or did you restore them to their own power?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention for you to create emotional health in your adult life. If you can commit to acknowledging your emotions and reparenting your wounded self, then this new moon offers you the opportunity to transform your emotional world.

5th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the foundation of your need to be seen and acknowledged as special and whether you’re doing things to get attention or because they come from a place of integrity. How were you seen? What were you acknowledged for?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention for your creative self-expression to be aligned with your highest integrity. If you can apply the discipline to laying the foundation for that which you wish to express, then this new moon offers you the opportunity to transform the way you will be seen in this world.

6th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the role of guilt, criticism and crisis in your life and the foundation from which it stems. Are you persecuting others? Do you feel always the victim? What is really true?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention for taking responsibility for your own healing and your own tendency to be a victim. If you can apply the discipline to truly analyse the dynamics of any situation, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform the way your whole life operates.

7th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the foundation of your relationships and the way you seek to have your needs met within them. Were you too controlling? Were they controlling you? How did the dynamics serve you?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to be your own authority on what you need and to be the adult that meets your own needs. If you can apply the discipline to relate to others from your greatest integrity, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform your relationships and the abundance received from them.

8th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the way authority was manipulating you or the way you were the one controlling others through manipulation. To what extent did you feel powerless? To what extent did you clash with the values of other people?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to commit to your highest integrity and your own authority. If you can apply the discipline to your own psychological foundations, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform the way in which you can truly bond with others.

9th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the foundation of your beliefs and who is the authority on your truth. Which beliefs were shown to have a shaky foundation? In what ways were your truths inherited? Did you speak of things without integrity, telling lies?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to be your own authority on what you believe. If you can apply the discipline to rewire your limiting beliefs, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform the structure of your life in a meaningful way.

10th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider whether your career and accomplishments were truly representative of what you want to put out into the world and what you want to be known for. Was your career stagnant? Did you feel like you were achieving your goals in life?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to be your own authority in every aspect of your life, and especially how you put yourself out into the world. If you can apply the discipline to create your own foundation, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform who gets the final say in the trajectory of your life.

11th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider the foundation of your friendships and also of your dreams. What is the real reason you’re not living your dream life? Of the friendships you lost, which needed to fall away due to an unstable structure?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to take responsibility for fulfilling your dreams and making your own unique contribution. If you can apply the discipline to creating friendships and associations of integrity and which align with your adult self, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform your ability to fulfill your dreams.

12th house

In 2020 you were asked to consider which structures you needed to release and allow to fall away from your life. What fell away that was limiting you? Which types of authority were revealed for their true selves? Which inner wiring had to go so you could end the self-sabotage?

On this new moon you have the chance to choose a new beginning that is more aligned with your soul’s intention to have an operating system that is completely aligned with your higher self and your spirituality. If you can apply the discipline to lay foundations that connect you with your intuition and psychic guides, then the new moon offers you the opportunity to transform your true power.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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