New Moon in Libra 16th October 2020 through the Houses


The new moon on 16th October 2020 will be at 23 degrees of Libra making a trine with its own North Node in Gemini and squaring Pluto in Capricorn. We have an opportunity for a fresh new beginning in the way we relate to ourselves and what’s going on in our lives. It’s time to take a more balanced perspective, not just looking from our own point of view, but also the point of view of those we encounter along our path.

The aspect with the North Node in Gemini is helping us to relate to the way in which we communicate and the way in which we inform ourselves in a new way.

The Sabian symbol for this new moon is “A butterfly with a third wing on its left side”. This sends us the message that we are developing a newly evolving gift, a special talent that will help us in our own evolution and transformation.

Let’s see if we can break all this down and what it might mean for you! Check where 23 degrees of Libra lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle (see if you have your ascendant, a planet or midheaven at 23 degrees in a sign) in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to yourself and who you want to be. It’s a time to reflect on what special gifts you have developed this year that you can take forward into a new beginning for who you are becoming.

A clue lies in the conversations you have been having about your beliefs and what is true for you. You have been reaching towards learning to engage with your intuition, and to put the pieces together of what you believe is true about life. Relating to your newly emerging personal philosophy is important to becoming who you are.

2nd house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your own value system, your own self worth and the way this all ties together to earn you money. This year you have developed something new that is an important tool in creating both a feeling of more abundance and creating actual material abundance.

A clue lies in the way you have been piecing together your career and the way you have been working towards particular achievements. Look to the conversations you have been having about your work and your goals because they reveal something about how you relate to your own self worth.

3rd house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your own ability to learn what you need to learn and the way you communicate with others. This year you have developed something new that enables you to feel more confident relying on your own ingenuity and your ability to communicate with others in a way where you are both heard.

A clue lies in the way you have been integrating and networking with friends and others acquaintances. You have been moving towards the variety of people you can know and collaborate with, and this is giving you valuable information about what you want to learn more about and the type of communication you value.

4th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your own emotional wellbeing and this may involve forging a new style of relationship with your family of origin. This year you have developed a new gift that has allowed you to be more in touch with your feelings, allowing them to be seen and heard.

A clue lies in the new things you have been learning about your own sense of spiritual connection to the universe. Something beyond the here and now has been peaking your interest and inspiring you to learn more, and whatever this is will lead you forward with your own relationship with your emotions.

5th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your own self-expression, including the way you express yourself creatively. This year you have been forging a new creative talent and the courage to show yourself to the world.

A clue lies in the ways you have been defining and integrating the aspects of your personality. You have been learning new things about yourself and herein lies the way forward with relating and representing your innermost self.

6th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to the everyday aspects of your life including your work, your health and your habits. This year you have developed a useful tool to assist you in being more free in these areas of your life, and allowing yourself to be off the hook a little more, or be a little more in charge of the balance.

A clue lies in the ways you have been defining and integrating your inner values and sense of self worth. You have had time to think about what you need and want to learn about yourself and you are putting the pieces together of what you truly value and reflecting this in your life.

7th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you conduct yourself and truly relate to the one closest to you. This year you have been developing a new wing in the way you conduct yourself in your relationship with your partner or the way you now define what relationship you truly desire.

A clue lies in the ways you have been learning to communicate. You have been reaching towards new modes of communicating that are mutually enriching, perhaps the love languages, or being more present when you one-on-one. This is leading you forward to a new start in your significant relationship.

8th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to what is changing in your life. This year you have been developing a new branch of your own personal power and your ability to dive deep into all that is craving to be seen and released.

A clue lies in the way you have been integrating your emotional body. You are reaching towards learning to speak about your feelings and to be in communication with your feelings, and perhaps also your family. This new mode of engagement with your emotions allows you to plug into what is changing at the core of your being.

9th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your beliefs and what is personally true for you. This year you have been developing a relationship with your beliefs in a way that is new levelling up for you.

A clue lies in the way you have been integrating your ability to communicate your need to be seen and acknowledged. You have been reaching towards connecting with your inner child and let him or her have her say. This allows you to liberate and relate differently to your truth.

10th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your career and quest for personal and professional achievement. This year you have been developing new talents that will enable you to lead yourself forward onto a new path of achievement.

A clue lies in the way you have been integrating the aspects of your everyday life including your work and routines. You have been reaching towards learning what you do and do not want your life to look like and this knowledge will equip your new way forward in designing your career and achievements.

11th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your friends and associates, and also the way you relate to how you can make a difference in this world. This year you have been developing a new string to your bow in ways that can truly be of service to others.

A clue lies in the way you have been learning about how to relate to others, especially in your closest relationship. You have been reaching towards learning how to have better intimate relationships and this is the key to offering yourself to your friends and the groups you yearn to be a part of.

12th house

There’s an opportunity for a new beginning in the way you relate to your own sense of connection to the universe and your own personal spirituality. This year you have been developing a new spiritual wing, just like the butterfly in the Sabian Symbol, and this is taking you to new heights.

A clue lies in the way you have been integrating your beliefs. You are reaching towards learning about different philosophies and viewpoints, and as you work on integrating these they will inform your own spiritual development.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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