New Moon in Sagittarius 14th December 2020 through the houses


How have you been coping with eclipse season so far? For me a lot has been surfacing and I’m ready for what this New Moon total Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees of Sagittarius will have in store for me! It’s an eclipse because the new moon is happening conjunct its own south node, and so we have a chance for a new beginning in clearing out some past energies, especially some old belief patterns.

This New Moon Solar Eclipse will also be conjunct Mercury and making a square to Neptune in Pisces. To me it seems we will be learning (Mercury) something fundamental about our beliefs or what we thought was true (Sagittarius) and realise it has been a delusion (Neptune in Pisces) and has been keeping us from the facts (Gemini).

The Sabian Symbol for this new moon is: “A bluebird perched on the gate of a cottage” and is symbolic of the happiness that is established when we are true to ourselves amidst those we spend our lives with and build communities with. It is also known as the symbol of good fortune, so this might very well be the new beginning you’re waiting for!

Let’s see if we can break all this down and what it might mean for you! Check where 23 degrees of Sagittarius lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle (see if you have your ascendant, a planet or midheaven at 23 degrees in a sign) in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about who you really are and who you want to be. A communication of some kind will reveal to you the way in which your beliefs have stopped your from pioneering your own path. The delusional block stems from an emotional blockage or a blockage within your family relationships and it is keeping you from piecing together the facts about your relationships.

It seems that you will have an opportunity to receive a new understanding about yourself that brings peace to your emotional world and ultimately opens up your relationships for the better.

2nd house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about how to become more self-reliant or understanding what you truly value. A communication of some kind will reveal to you the way in which your self-belief has prevented you from feeling safe. A delusion about the specialness or uniqueness has been been blocking your path towards piecing together what you truly need to change.

You will receive a new understanding about what your innermost values that will propel you forward to a peaceful reconciliation with the neediness around wanting to be praised and this will open your eyes to the final pieces of your transformation.

3rd house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your intellectual world and the way you share ideas. A communication of some kind will reveal to you the way in which your world view has prevented you from connecting mentally with others. A delusion coming from your inner critic has blocked your way forward to putting together what you really believe.

You will receive a new understanding about some details that will bring you greater peace in your everyday life and inner thoughts, and this will help you weave together your vision.

4th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your emotional body and the way you are nurturing yourself. A communication of some kind will reveal limiting beliefs that keep you from achieving emotional wholeness. A delusion around what it truly means to give and take in relationships has been holding you back from piecing together you really want to achieve and put out into the world.

You will receive a new insight into your emotional wellbeing that will bring a divine understanding to the nature of balanced relationships and this will flow forward to your ability to weave the fabric of your achievements.

5th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your need to be seen as unique. A communication of some kind will reveal limiting beliefs that keep you from believing in yourself. A delusion around what you really need to do to achieve deep change has been keeping you from connecting to your friendships and to your unique contribution.

You will receive a new understanding about what makes you special to you, and this will bring a sense of connection to your divine self which will clear the way forward for determining the completing the puzzle about who you want to associate with and what you want to contribute.

6th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something that enlightens your everyday existence. A communication of some kind, potentially at work, will reveal the way in which your beliefs keep you in the mentality of a victim. A delusion around what you really believe and what is meaningful to you has been keeping you from piecing together your own spirituality and freedom.

You will receive a new insight that helps you understand your everyday interaction with your own thoughts and this will allow you to see a higher truth that will naturally flow into a new interconnectedness that brings you closer to your divine self.

7th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about what balanced relationships really look like. A communication of some kind will reveal the way in which you project your beliefs onto those you are closest to. A delusion around your ability to be self-determining has been keeping you from piecing together your own unique path.

You will receive an insight that allows you to understand how you want your interactions with those closest to you to be, and this will bring you peace around all the rules you’ve been imposing on yourself, allowing you to move forward in allowing yourself to travel the unique and varied path that calls to you.

8th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about what it means to be vulnerable and to learn to trust. A communication of some kind will reveal the way that your version of the truth is a form of self-sabotage. A delusion around friendships has been keeping you from integrating your self-worth and your values.

You will receive an insight that allows you to see that you have boundaries to dismantle and this will allow an ease of flow in your friendships that then paves the way forward to piecing together a true sense of security, self-reliance and safety.

9th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something your beliefs, your culture, your truth and where you get your meaning from. A communication of some kind will reveal the way that you either spend too much time seeking or too much energy trying to protect your worldview. A delusion around what surrender really means has been holding you back from finding the facts that would lift you out of this cycle.

You will receive an understanding about how life can be more meaningful for you and this will allow you to relax and let go of all you hold too tightly to. The result will be a an ability to free your intellectual capacity in readiness for learning a lot of new and meaningful things.

10th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your adulthood, family or about the society you live in. A communication of some kind will reveal the way your beliefs affect your experience out in the world and your ability to deal with structure and authority. A delusion around who you are and who you want to be has been holding you back from putting the pieces together of your own emotional wellbeing.

You will receive an insight into how you can grow into your own power and this will allow you to release the image of yourself that doesn’t match who you truly want to be. This will allow you to start the process of reintegrating the fragments of your emotional body that need reconnection.

11th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your friends and your desire for meaningful contribution. A communication of some kind will reveal how your beliefs are holding you back from making the unique contribution only you can make. A delusion around what you value and a lack mindset has been holding you back from seeing your multifaceted uniqueness.

You will receive an insight into how you can make your contribution mean something and this will allow you to surrender to the universe sending you abundance. This will open the floodgates to receiving the praise, recognition and admiration you desire.

12th house

Your new beginning comes from learning something about your spiritual life. A communication of some kind will reveal how your beliefs about the true nature of the spiritual universe are limiting your expansion. A delusion around what you can intellectually know has kept you from integrating your beliefs into your everyday existence.

You will receive an insight into a higher truth about our existence and all existence and this will bring you divine inspiration to learn more. The path forward to putting the pieces together of a service or a craft that inspires you everyday and reflects your divinity will begin.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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