The new moon in Scorpio will be at 23 degrees and making a perfect sextile with Jupiter, who has just begun it’s new phase relationship with Pluto. This sextile is a last sextile, 300 degrees from Jupiter to this new moon. This last sextile means this new moon is exactly the right moment to begin moving forward from the past (though you may feel resistance to do so) and it’s time to manifest something out in the world in alignment with your overall soul growth.
With the new moon in Scorpio, it signals a new beginning of bonding and committing. With Jupiter in Capricorn, we can see this relates to coming back to our truth and integrity, and also seeing the reality of the society we live in.
The Sabian symbol for this new moon is “After having heard an inspired individual deliver his sermon on the mount, crowds are returning home“. This goes perfectly with what we have said above. We need to take with us the psychological gems we have dug up this year (new moon Scorpio), feeling inspired to go ahead and ground them in our lives with a new outlook (Jupiter in Capricorn).
Let’s see if we can break all this down and what it might mean for you! Check where 23 degrees of Scorpio lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle (see if you have your ascendant, a planet or midheaven at 23 degrees in a sign) in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.
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1st house
If you’ve been present with yourself this year, then you’ve been looking deeply into who you are and how you feel about where your life is going. You’ve been trying to know yourself better, and indeed you do. You’ve been struggling to put together all that you’ve been learning, and you haven’t quite been able to communicate what you now know. This is the time to take all that you have learnt about yourself and put it towards a new way of speaking your truth. You have something to say, and now that you know yourself better, you can represent your voice with integrity.
2nd house
This year has made you question what you truly value, and whether making money is really so important to you. It’s time to commit to what you have decided and this in turn will be the key to improving your emotional wellbeing. Your emotional world has been through a lot of upheaval, and you just want to feel safe and nurtured, but you couldn’t until you had truly accessed what is most important to you and found your sense of self-worth deep within yourself. Now you can unite this with a new outlook on what it means to love yourself, once and for all leaving behind all those times in the past when you didn’t feel loved.
3rd house
You have been on a deep search trying to access your authentic voice and what you truly want to say. It’s time to commit to your message and become one with it. You have had a lot of false starts this year with finding a way to express yourself creatively, and there have been some dead ends. But now that you know what you really want to say, you will find the right outlet to do so, that directly aligns with your deepest creative self expression. What you put out there will be your truth, and it will come after some deep soul searching, and your new journey now begins.
4th house
Your daily life has been rocked around so much this year with your usual routines and ways of being standing on rocky ground. In turn, this has led to deep tumultuous emotions, and you cannot hide from your feelings about your life and its structure anymore. You need to commit to your own emotional health, and look only to yourself to have your needs fulfilled, on this new moon. This will allow you to leave the past behind, and to access a higher vision about how you want the structure of your life to be, without grounding it in old ways of being that made you feel like a victim.
5th house
It is likely that this year you have had many dear relationships fall apart, leaving you feeling quite hopeless and wondering if you were ever loved. You doubt your specialness, and you have that all your creative spark has been hidden away. You need to reclaim your sense of self, and with this new moon you need to make a commitment to a creative project or avenue for self-expression that makes you feel alive again, and completely special. This will help you leave the pain of this year behind, and you will see a new truth about the relationships that fell away, and what you truly want in a relationship. When you are completely united with your deepest creative self, you will be full of self confidence and you know what you want in a relationship.
6th house
It feels like your life has changed beyond recognition this year. You have been forced to face a lot of your shadow self, and it has not been pleasant. You are without an anchor, but on this new moon it’s time to commit more deeply to your everyday life and the way you can be or service to others. When you begin to feel a purpose again, you will not feel lost nor uprooted, and you will access a new truth about what can really shake your foundations. You will see that as long as you’re aligned with what you can give, then nothing can be taken from you. This new viewpoint will open up your world.
7th house
The grand adventures of life have been taken away from you this year, and in its place you have had to face head on your beliefs, looking at them for what they truly are and seeing how they’re holding you back. If you’ve been lying to yourself then you’ve been lying to others too. With this new moon, it’s time to commit to more balanced relationships, with a 50:50 of give and take, listening and speaking. This will allow you to get back on the right track when it comes to truth, and you will have to face your beliefs head-on to be truly authentic in your relationships. Life is about deep relationships, and you can commit to having them if you come from a place of integrity and truth.
8th house
This year your career has likely taken some hits, or your place in society. Perhaps you had grand plans for achievement and recognition, but all this has been put on the backburner. With this new moon you are being encouraged to deeply commit to your own transformation on the level of your psychology. If you can truly do the inner work, then you won’t be looking for acceptance and recognition from false leaders or society as a whole. Instead, the deep inner work will allow you to come from a place of integrity and a new journey in your career and who you want to be in the world can begin.
9th house
You may have seen your friendships change considerably this year, or perhaps you have seen all your plans for your projects and contributions have fallen away. With this new moon it’s time to make a new start with committing to your work on your own beliefs and your own truth. By doing so, you will be able to start a new phase of connecting with friends and associates that really align with your worldview. You will see before you expanded opportunities and friends and projects you had only dreamed to be a part of. But first you must commit to your deepest truth of what’s important to you in this life.
10th house
You have been not so gently pushed to surrender this year and to let go of what is no longer for your highest good. Perhaps you feel alone, isolated and trapped in a world that you no longer understand. On this new moon it’s time to commit to your ambitions and to your own achievement, with a single focus here rather than on the world around you. By committing to what you want to achieve, you will ground yourself back in your creative potential and you will gain a new perspective on what it means to be connected to life. Commit deeply to yourself in the world, and in turn you will see the truth about what it means to feel grounded in love.
11th house
Who you thought you were and the path your were walking has changed a lot this year. You are seeing yourself differently and questioning what you really want. This new moon you are asked to commit to what you want your greatest contribution to be, and how you can add something of value to humanity. Transform who you associate with and why, and make sure these choices reflect who you are. In turn you will see magnified who you truly are and what structures you need to build to be true to yourself. Start with committing to what you can contribute and then see reflected back to you who you are becoming.
12th house
This year your financial life has changed and your usual way of earning an income has been altered beyond recognition. On this new moon you are being asked to make a commitment to your spiritual self instead, and to commit to forgiveness, for yourself and others. If you can come from your highest self then you will have a new viewpoint on what it means to earn an income in the first place, and the truth of needing it to align with your values will become more apparent. Go deep into your own spirituality and emerge with a strong and powerful knowing of how to provide for yourself in a way that makes you feel good about yourself.