New Moon in Virgo 17th september through the houses


We have a fresh new beginning coming our way in 25 degrees of Virgo on September 17th. A new moon in Virgo can signify a fresh start in mind and body, as everything we’ve been integrating and learning we can finally dispel and start fresh. Virgo is very much about sorting the wheat from the chaff, sifting and sorting and using our discernment. We’ve no doubt all been taking a lot in this year, and now it’s time to de-clutter and go forward only with what’s useful to the emerging version of you.

We also have this new moon trine Saturn in Capricorn, and though Saturn has been aspecting a few of our moon cycles lately, here it will lend a helpful hand of wisdom, work and discipline.

The more difficult energy of this new moon is that it will be square it’s own nodes, and people report feeling a wobble in their energy when this happens, as though the energy of the moon is at odds with its intentions for the 18 months its nodes traverse a pair of opposing signs.

Let’s see if we can break all this down and what it might mean for you! Check where 25 degrees of Virgo lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle (see if you have your ascendant, a planet or midheaven at 25 degrees in a sign) in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

If the new moon is occurring in your 1st house then its time to purge yourself of all the elements of your identity that have become outdated in the past year and to use your analysis of all that’s been happening to determine who you want to be and how you want to be in the world.

With Saturn in your 5th house, a clue lies in your creativity and creative self-expression. Follow the wisdom of Saturn and the heavy restructuring of your creative inner and outer life to help you determine how you want to emerge.

The wobble of the north node is in your 10th house of career. Perhaps something needs to fall away here as you realise you are not following a career path that is your true destiny.

2nd house

With the new moon in your 2nd house, it’s time to purge yourself of values and ways of making money that do not align with who you truly feel you are. It’s time to start fresh with the way you make money, and the way you feel healthy and grounded in your body, and to ensure it aligns with your values, which probably centre around wanting to be of service and using your analytical skills.

With Saturn in your 6th house, a clue lies in your work life. Saturn has been restructuring your house of health and work all year, and the transformation of these have begun. It’s time to follow the wise calling of Saturn.

The wobble of the north node in your 11th house of friends and common causes is asking you to consider whether how you make money and how you work is truly in alignment with the causes you want to contribute to.

3rd house

With the new moon in your 3rd house, it’s time to purge yourself of the mental activity that distracts you without providing you with anything interesting or meaningful to do. Be discerning about what information you are taking in, and align it with what information you truly want and need.

With Saturn in your 7th house, a clue lies in your personal relationships, most likely with a partner. Saturn has been restructuring the way you are in your most significant relationship, having you examining what you truly want and how you want your relationships to transform. How does the way you communicate and take on information align with what you now know about your relationship life?

The wobble of the north node in your 12th house of surrender, spirituality and seclusion is asking you to consider whether you are getting the time you need to reflect on yourself and your connection to your highest self.

4th house

With the new moon in your 4th house, it’s time to purge yourself of the emotional habits that you have been holding onto that no longer align with who you are blossoming into. Perhaps you are triggered by family, or by something at home, but you can choose your emotional world and align it with your thoughts.

With Saturn in your 8th house, a clue lies in your deepest psychological wounds and the ways you have felt out of control and powerless. Are you keeping these energies active? Or has Saturn been changing once and for all how these elements exist in the woven structure of your life?

The wobble of the north node in your 1st house of identity and becoming is asking you to consider whether you integrating the new version of yourself or whether your beliefs about who you are continue to be deeply tied to significant others in your life.

5th house

With the new moon in your 5th house, it’s time to purge yourself of everything that is no longer fun and everything that no longer allows you to express yourself. Who you were before and what you enjoyed before has no doubt undergone change this year, and it’s time to analyse what brings the most creative expression of you.

With Saturn in your 9th house, a clue lies in your beliefs and what you know to be the truth. Saturn along with Pluto have been tearing down so much of what you believed to be true, and you’re staring a blank canvas. As you begin to paint, will it be truly a reflection of what you believe?

The wobble of the north node in your 2nd house of values and money is asking you to be sure that you know your own worth and what is most important to you and to build yourself creatively from there.

6th house

With the new moon in your 6th house, it’s time to purge yourself of the habits, routines and ways of working that are making you sick. No doubt these have all changed a lot this year, but do they reflect a healthy new version for you?

The clue lies with Saturn in your 10th house. Your house of authority and career has been undergoing a transformation all year, and as you have realised certain important things about how you want to operate in these spheres of your life, have you done the necessary purging of the daily building blocks?

The wobble of the north node in your 3rd house of information and communication is asking you to be sure the way you communicate is in line with what works best for you. Have you created the right boundaries to support this?

7th house

With the new moon in your 7th house, it’s time to purge yourself of the elements of the ways you operate in your significant relationships that keep you unbalanced and out of tune with yourself. It’s time to be discerning about those you let into your life and whether they truly have honest intentions with you.

The clues lie with Saturn in your 11th house. Here Saturn has joined Pluto to transform your friendships and your group associations. What have your learned here? And how can you translate these lessons into your personal relationships?

The wobble of the north node in your 4th house of the inner emotional world is asking you whether you are really integrating all you’re learning about your tuning into your emotions as a guide to when things are out of tune in the rest of your life.

8th house

With the new moon in your 8th house, it’s time to purge yourself of all the leftover skin that has been the result of the deep transformation you have experienced this year. You have been in deep analysis this year (as you always are) of who you are at the deepest core, learning who to trust and who to bond with. It’s time to analyse what you have learned and to take it forward to the next phase.

The clues lie with Saturn in your 12th house. In many ways in this house of seclusion and surrender Saturn has been pushing you out of your comfort zone a little at a time (or all in one go!) and asking you to turn inwards to your spiritual foundations. What have you found here and how will it contribute to the last things you need to purge?

The wobble of the north node in your 5th house of your creative self expression is asking you whether all the transforming you have done is allowing the real you to shine you and communicate who you are to the world.

9th house

With the new moon in your 9th house, it’s time to purge yourself of all the lies and false beliefs that you have held onto or been party to. You know the truth, but as they say, can you handle it?

Saturn in your 1st house of identity has been nudging you to restructure and rebuild who you want to be and who you really are. With all of this, it’s imperative that old beliefs are falling away.

The wobble of the north node in your 6th house of work and habits is asking you to reflect on whether the habits of a lifetime integrate with the truer version of you and whether the information you collect about the details of life are really necessary.

10th house

With the new moon in your 10th house, it’s time to purge yourself of all the guilt and blame that you apply to yourself and others, especially with regards to why you are not who you want to be in the world.

Saturn in your 2nd house of money and values has been restructuring the finances of your life, and as you build up from here it’s important that you align this with who you want to be in the world.

The wobble of the north node in your 7th house of partnership and significant relationships is asking you to reflect whether who you spend most of your time with, especially in your work life, truly integrates what is best for you in creating balance in your public life.

11th house

With the new moon in your 11th house, it’s time to purge yourself of all the remnants of friendships and associations that no longer align with who you are. In the special circumstances of this year no doubt friendships have been strained or strange, and now it the time to analyse what type of friendships really serve you.

Saturn in your 3rd house of information and communication has been restructuring the way you communicate. Perhaps this has meant the online world of connecting with others has shown you something about the people in your life. What have your learned to take forward with you?

The wobble of the north node in your 8th house of psychology and deep transformation is asking you to consider whether those you associate with and merge yourself with align with the changes you feel yourself being called towards.

12th house

With the new moon in your 12th house, it’s time to purge yourself of all the ways you keep yourself alone and separated from others and the world. Analyse how all you have been learning this year and find the best way for you to feel connected and spiritually in tune with the life lived in 3D.

Saturn in your 4th house of emotional security has been restructuring your nest and your feeling of emotional well-being. Perhaps this has led you to seclude yourself more or it has uncomfortably thrust you into the world. You have no doubt realised that home is inside you, and that this is also the source of your emotional well being. Take all this and find the way to help you feel more connected.

The wobble of the north node in your 9th house of belief and truth is asking you to consider whether you seeing the truth of your existence, or whether you have been collecting information that is forming a false sense of truth. Don’t sabotage yourself now at the point where you are growing and changing into emotional health!


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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