New moon Leo 18th 19th August through the houses


As we approach the end of Leo season, we have a new moon in Leo at 26 degrees in a tight conjunction to Mercury, and quincunx Saturn. Last new moon we had the new moon opposite Saturn, and Saturn was helping us ground something. With Saturn quincunx this new moon and Mercury conjunction, we’re likely feeling frustrated (quincunx) with expressing ourselves (Leo) through our communication (Mercury).

As with all new moons, it’s a beginning. With this particular combination we are learning to communicate parts of ourselves with confidence despite the presence of the frustrating energy of the parental will (Saturn quincunx in Capricorn). Depending on where this new moon is in your chart, you will be experiencing an opportunity to learn to express yourself anew in a particular area of your life.

When we read the Sabian symbol for this placement, we see this new beginning comes with an illumination: “The luminescence of dawn in the eastern sky” It’s as though we are able to recognise this new beginning more acutely and acknowledge we are experiencing a new cycle.

Check where 26 to 27 degrees of Leo lies in your chart, and read on below for which house themes are being highlighted for you on this new moon. The more it aspects a planet or angle in your chart, the stronger you will feel this influence.

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1st house

With the new moon in your first house, there is a feeling of being reborn into who you truly are. You feel you are taking the first steps to communicate who you are and who you want to be, as though you recognise yourself for the first time and that you are growing in confidence to express who you are.

The heavy weight of Saturn your 6th house of daily routines, work and health, sees you feeling frustrated with being yourself in the face of the drab and mundane of your everyday life. Yet this is the challenge. Shine as yourself and express yourself with confidence without being buried by the weight of all you have to do each day. Being is more important than doing.

2nd house

With the new moon in your second house, you are learning to express with confidence what you truly need to feel safe and also what you need to experience pleasure. This is an opportunity to speak up about what you want, even if these wants seem frivolous and indulgent. Learning to speak of what you want is an essential part of growing into yourself.

The weight of Saturn is in your 7th house of significant relationships, and you are feeling the presence of a parental figure or a parental energy whose heaviness is affecting your ability to speak up for what you want. Yet this is the challenge. Learn to confidently say what you need and want despite the fear you feel from facing this parental energy. It is an essential part of your growth towards your full adult self.

3rd house

With the new moon in your third house, you are learning to confidently communicate on all fronts, with many opportunities to engage with friends and associates in your inner circle. You are finding you feel more chatty than usual, and that you want to be seen and heard. A hive of activity is happening for you and you feel encouraged to partake in it like an excited child meeting new children for the first time.

Saturn however is putting its weight in your 8th house, and you fear to expose too much of yourself, tending to keep your communication superficial rather than exposing the deepest parts of yourself. But this is the challenge. To make the most of this opportunity of open and varied communication, and to truly express who you are with confidence, you need to be brave and summon your inner Leo, exposing the depth of who you are and feeling confident about doing so.

4th house

With the new moon in your fourth house, you are learning to confidently communicate your emotions. This means that they find a way to be explained, rather than just expressed, and you can articulate exactly what you’re feeling and why, making the deeper connections.

Saturn in your 9th house is putting a heavy weight on your beliefs and what you perceive as true, so you may be questioning your own truth, or wondering whether you have the right to believe and feel what you are feeling. But now is not the time to be dismissive of your emotions just because you can see a higher perspective of which beliefs these emotions are exposing. Rather, it is time to feel what you are feeling and articulate this as best you can, while also seeing the underlying beliefs that are the root of these emotional responses in the first place.

5th house

With the new moon in your fifth house, you are learning to express yourself creatively through language, whether written or spoken. You may also be finding that this is a time where you are being called to speak confidently of who you are and what you want in a new and budding romance. For most of you however, it will be a matter of finding a new path of illumination through a creative outlet involving communication of some kind.

With Saturn putting its weight in your 10th house, you may feel restricted and frustrated in your career, especially as this new creative outlet is calling to you. You may feel you have to be serious and focus on your career at the expense of expressing yourself artistically. But it is time to take hold of the Leo bravery and not let the weight of your career or expectation coming from society squash the fire of creativity within you. Follow your inspiration, without knowing where it will lead, and see how your life can change and evolve.

6th house

With the new moon in your sixth house, you are learning to communicate in new ways at work. Perhaps also, or instead, you are learning to speak about your health and to make this a priority with this new beginning, using the power of Mercury to make you informed and well versed on habits and ways of being that can improve your life.

With Saturn putting its weight in your 11th house of social connections and group consciousness, perhaps you feel you should follow the crowd and stick to the norms established by others. But if you feel inspired to learn a new way, to do something quite unusual and different from those you usually associate with are doing, have the Leo courage to go your own way.

7th house

With the new moon in your seventh house, you are learning to communicate your needs and wants more courageously in your most significant relationship. Perhaps you tend not to say what you need, preferring to keep the mood light, but now is the time to say what you want and prepare to be truly listened to. Having your needs met requires the courage to speak up about them in the first place, and the new moon is calling you towards to do just this.

With Saturn putting its weight in your twelfth house, perhaps you are using tendencies to escape, daydream or otherwise fantasise about what could be as a way of solving relationship problems. Instead, you are being asked to ground yourself, and be brave in facing your relationship and putting the effort in. Perhaps you are feeling disconnected from everything and don’t know the way back into your life. The open door is through your most significant relationship.

8th house

With the new moon in your eighth house, you are learning to communicate the deepest parts of yourself, including your deepest philosophies, deepest desires and the parts of you that usually you keep hidden. To be truly yourself, and to truly connect with others, you must have the courage to expose the deepest parts of yourself and share them with others through some sort of communication.

With Saturn weighing in your first house, perhaps you are used to putting a more traditional or fixed face to the world, and a shake up of your identity and how others see you is surely a scary prospect. But the old version of you who is structured, stern and traditional can make room for what Leo wants to bring forth from the depths of who you are and what you need to share to bond with others.

9th House

With the new moon in your ninth house, you are learning to have the courage to speak the truth. Perhaps at times you avoid speaking the truth, favouring a version of the truth, to not offend others or to not get yourself into an uncomfortable situation. But here is your calling to have some Leo courage and to speak the truth about something important.

With Saturn in your second house, perhaps there is a truth you need to speak about money, or how you earn money. In that case, it may be a revision of your beliefs surrounding money. Or perhaps the second house placement is calling to you regarding your safety and the way you feel safe in your environment and you are being asked to speak the truth about your needs.

10th house

With the new moon in your tenth house, you are learning to have the courage to speak up in your career or when you are in the public eye. You are being called to speak with integrity and to find your voice.

With Saturn in your third house, there is a heavy weight on all things communication, and you likely feel constrained, stifled and frustrated. But here with this new moon you are being called to speak up for yourself around those in authority and those who may be otherwise censoring or controlling your ability to speak.

11th house

With the new moon in your eleventh house, you are learning to have the courage to speak up in your friendship groups and common interest groups. Perhaps you have too often been the quiet one in the corner lately, and you and your associates are missing out on all you have to offer with regards to you shining and expressing yourself and contributing to the group.

With Saturn in your fourth house, perhaps you are feeling frustrated to speak up in your family group, and if not there, then perhaps you feel like you will be abandoned or ostracised for speaking up in other close-knit groups that are a big part of your life. It’s time to have the Leo courage to say what you want to say and to show yourself to your friends and others, and to feel emotionally safe doing so.

12th house

With the new moon in your twelfth house, you are learning to have the courage to stay connected to our 3D reality by speaking up about what you believe and to speak up about your spiritual experiences. Perhaps you sometimes keep your spiritual experiences separate from the rest of your life, or you hide them in secret, or you deny their importance to your personal enrichment. Now is the time to find a way to share them and speak of them to enrich and deepen your connections.

With Saturn in your fifth house, perhaps your ability to creatively express yourself has been frustrated or you haven’t found a way to show your creative side. You are being asked to speak and deeply connect, and having the courage to do so will release you from the shackles and inhibitions of your creative self.


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About the author


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.

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By Mirella


Mirella is a therapeutic evolutionary astrologer, seeking to integrate astrology with healing. Her work will take you on a journey into your soul’s story, with a focus on your current incarnation. By integrating the signs, houses, archetypes and relationships in your chart, Mirella illuminates and provides insight into the signposts of your birthchart.



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